
Download master of magic remake steam
Download master of magic remake steam

download master of magic remake steam

5 schools of magic and 18 traits to customize your wizard.But in the end, remember: there can be only one Master of Magic. Research new spells, engage in alchemy, perform rituals and use your arcane powers to change the world around you.Īlways beware of the machinations of your rival wizards, who seek to reach your same goals. Fight tactical turn-based battles and affect the outcome with your magic. Recruit and command mighty armies of elves, dragons, dwarves, orcs and many more. In Master of Magic you take up the role of one of 14 unique and diverse great wizards who compete with each other to dominate the worlds of Arcanus and Myrror.Ĭhoose from different schools of magic and fantasy races to command, then lead your minions and expand your influence and power across the land. Master of Magic is a combination of an RPG and a strategy game, a remake of a classic from the 90s.

Download master of magic remake steam